let's talk

Noticesound is a AI based-a-Service platform to predict the success of songs.

Interact with real listeners to predict the market success of your tracks.

02 Initial request

The customer wanted to build an AI-based soft from scratch.

The idea required market validation and scientific/development researches.

Thus, the team used lean methodology to find out market needs. A Proof of Concept helped us to evaluate project feasibility.


03 Project key points

  • Customer

    A startup founder without technical background

  • Location


  • Stage

    Pre seed stage

04 Project goals

  • Validate the idea, market and customer according to Customer Development framework
  • Provide the AI expertise to find out the possible technical solutions to build an MVP
  • Prepare launch strategy to pitch for investments to ensure a project growth

05 Project team & timeframe

  • 1 HTML coder
  • 1 AI Developer
  • 1 Back-end developer
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 Front-end Developer
  • 1 Q&A Tester
  • 1 mobile developer

06 Project challenges

  • Implementation of own streaming technology in the mobile application
  • Optimization of project workflow to keep strict deadlines with testing all features
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08 Result

  • Our team managed to save the project budget. We found the way to replace an expensive AI algorithm without losing quality.
  • It helped Noticesound to gain the investment round and attract famous music labels as customers.
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