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Outsourcing Cost Calculator

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Step {{ currentStep }} / {{ stepsBoxItems.length }}

I want to hire

I want to create

I expect

Tech stack

An average cost of developer with SpdLoad's team:

{{ price }} $

An average developer salary in the US (with taxes):

{{ compareRateAfterTaxes }} $

Outsourcing Calculator: What’s That and How to Use It?

Our Outsourcing ROI Calculator is a handy tool designed to help businesses estimate the costs associated with outsourcing various tasks or projects.

We designed it for businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs who are considering outsourcing various tasks or projects.

It helps estimate the costs associated with tasks like web development and app development outsourcing.

The calculator takes into account factors such as labor rates, project complexity, and overhead expenses. It takes into account multiple factors to provide an estimate of how much outsourcing a particular specialist might cost.

If you are new to outsourcing, feel free to check out our simple guide on outsourcing pros and cons.

Now, let’s get into our outsourcing costs calculator.

How to Use the Outsourcing Cost Calculator?

Before you get into calculations, make sure you have these things covered:

Now, it’s time to count. Simply choose the level of specialist you want to hire (Junior, Middle, Senior, Architect) and select the type of product you’re building – a web app or mobile application.

You’ll get an approximate cost of the required specialist.

Scale your team on-demand with dedicated IT specialists.

Hire outsourcing experts from SPDLoad.

The salary is based on the skill set required for each particular developer level.

Skilled junior developer:

Middle-level developer:

Senior-level developer:

Architect developer:

Are you unsure whether you need a middle or senior developer? We’re here for you! Tell us about your project, and we will select the best fit for you.

During a short consultation, we will compare in-house vs. outsourced costs and discuss hidden costs associated with in-house teams, such as long-term contracts, sick leave, bonuses, and health insurance.

You’ve Calculated Outsourcing Cost – Now What?

Now that you have the figures, it’s time to take strategic steps.

Here’s what you can do next:

Once everything is in place, kick off the project. Set clear milestones, monitor progress, and address any issues promptly.

Remember, outsourcing is a strategic decision. It can lead to cost savings, access to specialized skills, and scalability. However, thorough planning and ongoing management are crucial for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Factors Influence the Cost of Outsourcing?

The cost of outsourcing is influenced by several factors, such as labor rates in the outsourcing destination, the skill level required for the task, the complexity of the project, currency exchange rates, and the overhead expenses of the outsourcing provider.

What Are the Hidden Costs of Outsourcing?

Hidden costs of outsourcing include communication barriers, quality control issues, additional management oversight, contract negotiation and management expenses, and transition and training costs for in-house staff adapting to outsourcing.

How Can Outsourcing Impact Operational Costs in the Long Term?

Outsourcing can impact operational costs in the long term by providing cost savings through access to lower labor rates, allowing businesses to focus on core activities, increasing flexibility and scalability, and improving efficiency through streamlined operations.

What Strategies Can Help Reduce Outsourcing Costs Without Compromising Quality?

Strategies to reduce outsourcing costs without compromising quality include negotiating lower rates with outsourcing providers, focusing on outsourcing non-core tasks, implementing robust quality control measures, building long-term partnerships with reliable outsourcing vendors, and investing in training and skill development for outsourced teams.

How Do Currency Fluctuations Impact Outsourcing Costs?

Currency fluctuations can impact outsourcing costs by changing the cost of labor in outsourcing destinations, affecting the value of payments made to outsourcing providers, altering the overall cost-effectiveness of outsourcing arrangements, and necessitating hedging strategies to mitigate the impact of currency fluctuations.