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Patient Main screen Hospital Information screen


MedPortal is a healthcare platform to help doctors track, analyse and prognose mental health of patients.

Initial request

The client's goal was to create a solution that would simplify the doctors' work. The customer wanted to provide doctors with special tests that would help to check patients' mental health.

This idea came about as a result of a scientific study at Stanford University, conducted by the founder.

Project key points

  • Customer

    A single founder startup without CTO

  • Location

    USA San Francisco

  • Stage

    Pre-seed stage of startup


Project goals

  • Implement a system for evaluating tests that have a different structure and complexity
  • Visualize multiple graphs on one screen in a clear and readable way
  • Create a HIPAA compliant application

Project scope of work

UX/UI designer

UX/UI designer

project manager

project manager

back-end developer

back-end developer

dev hours

business analyst

business analyst

front-end developer

front-end developer

QA tester

QA tester

The main solution

HIPAA compliance of the app: doctors and patients data are safe, while the platform is still scalable


MedPortal is an MVP that is to find its product/market fit. The product has already been implemented in a few high-rated hospitals.The startup aims to build up additional features and scale their market presence.

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Proptech Software Development Services