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is an innovative law platform


It is designed to increase public awareness and access to dispute resolution facilities
  • USA

    Client Location

  • 6 months

    Project Duration

  • 2 people


About Law Software Development Project

Our client is an easy-to-use and visually-friendly platform for members of the public and small businesses who have worrying business or potential legal disputes.

The platform automatically matches them with the most appropriate dispute resolution service providers for their needs.

The founders are an accomplished PMI Certified project management trainer and an accredited IMI mediator, both with extensive experience in corporate disputes.

They realized the challenge small and public businesses face in finding appropriate dispute resolution consultants and decided to create ResoX to address this need.

Facilitating Easy Access to Dispute Resolution Services

  • Challenge 1. Matching Users with the Right Providers

    Our client needed a platform that could automatically match users with the most appropriate dispute resolution service providers based on their specific needs.

  • Challenge 2. Technical Expertise

    The founders required a tech partner with solid experience and a good reputation to develop their platform, as they lacked the necessary technical expertise.

  • Challenge 3. Cost-Effective Implementation

    The solution needed to be cost-effective to ensure early launch and rapid acquisition of clients.

Delivering a User-Friendly and Efficient Dispute Resolution Platform

  • Solution 1. Matching Algorithm

    We developed a matching algorithm that connects users with consultants experienced in resolving disputes in specific niches, ensuring they receive the most appropriate assistance.

  • Solution 2. Cost-Effective Technology

    After analyzing the requirements, we proposed two implementation methods and chose WordPress for its functionality and cost efficiency.

  • Solution 3. Comprehensive Platform Development

    Our team developed a visually friendly web platform where users can search for consultants, fill in a short questionnaire, and receive the best match results.

Innovating Dispute Resolution Access

Colin Millward


We engaged SpdLoad to develop and deploy a central business solution. I can say it was absolutely the right decision. It was a pleasure to work with the team on all levels!

Legal Sofware Wireframes Design

Wireframe design helps develop legal software by visually planning the app’s layout and features, ensuring clarity before coding starts.

Exploring Core Features of the Legal Software

Users begin by filling in a short questionnaire about their dispute.

The platform’s matching algorithm then connects them with the most suitable dispute resolution consultants based on their specific needs.

The service is free for end-users, while consultants pay a monthly fee to be listed. Once matched, all communication and agreements occur outside the platform.

Delivering an Accessible Dispute Resolution Solution

  • User-Friendly Interface

    Developed a visually appealing and easy-to-use web platform.


  • Matching Algorithm

    Implemented a sophisticated matching algorithm to connect users with the right consultants.

  • Cost-Effective Technology

    Utilized WordPress for its functionality and cost efficiency, ensuring a quick and affordable implementation.

Leveraging Modern Technologies for Law Firm Software Development

  • WordPress

  • JavaScript


Achieving Efficient Dispute Resolution with Legal Software Solutions

We developed a solid and cost-effective solution for legal professionals, allowing the client to launch early and acquire their first clients within three months of starting our cooperation. 

Our collaboration ensured a high-quality, user-friendly platform that increases public access to dispute resolution services.

FAQs About Software Development for Law Firms

What are the benefits of custom software for law firms?

Custom software can streamline operations, improve client management, enhance data security, and increase overall efficiency by tailoring solutions specifically to the firm's needs.

How long does it take to develop custom software for a law firm?

The timeline varies depending on the complexity of the project, but it generally ranges from a few months to a year. Detailed planning and clear requirements can help speed up the process.

Can custom software integrate with existing systems in a law firm?

Yes, custom software can be designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems such as case management, billing, and document management platforms.

How do I ensure the custom software meets our firm's needs?

Involving key stakeholders in the planning and development process, conducting thorough needs assessments, and engaging in regular testing and feedback loops can ensure the software meets the firm's requirements.

What are the key features to consider in custom software for law firms?

Important features include case management, document management, billing and invoicing, client communication tools, and robust security measures.

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