Use our free churn rate calculator to evaluate how many customers you're losing and decide the steps you can take to improve customer retention.
Use our free A/B Testing Calculator for Statistical Significance to evaluate how a design or copy change impacted your sales.
Use our free Return on Assets (ROA) calculator to show investors how efficiently the company invests its assets into net income.
Use our free Lifetime Value Calculator (CLTV) calculator to determine the predicted net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.
Use our free Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) calculator to determine the yearly revenue generated from all active subscriptions or contracts.
Use our free Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) calculator to determine the total average cost your company spends to acquire a new customer.
Use our free ROI calculator to estimate earnings before taking into account the charge of depreciation, interest and taxes.
Use our free Year over Year Growth calculator to see whether or not performance has improved, while taking seasonal variations into account.
Use our free CTR calculator to evaluate the Click-Through Rate of your PPC ad campaigns and then choose the best creatives for you.
Use our free ROAS calculator to evaluate the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of your PPC ad campaigns and then choose the best budget for you.
Use our free Present Value calculator to the present value of a future sum, annuity or perpetuity with various growth rates.
NPS is a way to measure customer satisfaction and their likelihood of recommending the business to others. Use our calculator to estimate your NPS.