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How Much Does a Small Business Website Cost in 2025 (Full Breakdown)

The cost to build a small business website ranges from $10,000 to $60,000, but what exactly impacts the price tag?

This article helps small business owners and marketers understand everything that goes into developing a company website and how that influences cost.

Wondering do I need a website for my business? Find out why the answer is almost always yes.

We’ll cover the key factors that determine how much you’ll pay for professional web design and development services:

  • Website complexity
  • Type and location of the development team
  • Hidden costs beyond design and build
  • And more.

Wondering how long it will take to launch? Check out the average time to create a website for a realistic timeline.

Let’s dive in!

If you prefer visuals over text, skip to the infographics for key stats and takeaways.

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How Much Does a Small Business Website Cost?

As we said, there are many factors that impact the cost of web development for a business site. However, we will consider 3 the most important: the complexity, the type of a team, and the location of a team.

Based on Complexity

For your understanding, site complexity is a collective metric consisting of design complexity, number of pages, roles, and integrations.

Development complexity is not limited to these parameters. But it will be enough to discuss the price.

Complexity level Average cost, $
Basic Website Development 5,000
Average Website Development 15,000
Complex Website Development 30,000

Business tasks determine the required complexity of the site. While site complexity can be implemented using different types of a team.

Based on Development Team

We will consider 4 types of a team for website development. As a basis for calculating, we’ll consider a website project of average complexity.

Type Average cost, $
In-house team 40,000
Local development agency 48,000
Freelancers 7500
Outsourcing agency 16,000

We will take a closer look at each type of team later.

But if you consider the in-house development team as the most preferable for a business website development, you could miss the hidden website developers cost.

Use our software developers’ salary calculator to find the real cost of hiring an in-house team.

Finally, let’s find out the connection between the location and the cost of a business website.

Based on Developer Location

As previously mentioned, we’ll use the website of an average complexity as an example for calculations.

Let’s say it consists of up to 50 pages. Each page will take on average 8 development hours. I.e. such a project will take up to 400 hours.

Location Rate per hour, $ Average cost, $
Australia 90 36,000
The US 150 60,000
The UK 120 48,000
Western Europe 100 40,000
Eastern Europe 50 20,000
South Asia 25 10,000

The choice of the team can be equated to the most important factor that determines the price of development.

Simply because an inexperienced and cheaper team can lead to a situation where the business owner will have to pay twice to get the required result. on This Picture You Can See the Key Factors That Affect the Cost of Developing a Small Business Website

Now let’s take a look at the set of other factors.

What Impacts the Cost of Building a Small Business Website?

Several things come together to build one working solution. In the case of a small business website, the following elements may impact the cost:

  • Website size or the number of pages;
  • Type of design;
  • Technology selection;

The proper cost calculation starts from an extensive research phase, which helps to better understand the industry and market.

With every decision that you take, the cost of a website for a small business will vary.

Since we work in this industry and understand the core metrics, we know the right way to build a small business website and optimize the cost.

Factor 1. Website Size

The size of a website is the most obvious factor that impacts the cost. More pages – more expensive web development. But why?

The truth is that the number of unique pages or unique blocks on each page impacts the cost.

Since you are building your site, the average number of pages falls between 20 to 50.

The pages of a corporate website consist of:

  • Homepage
  • About us
  • Services pages (depends on your work)
  • Careers
  • Investors
  • Contact forms

The more coding and customization are required, the higher will be the small business website development cost.

But what’s the role of design in defining the cost of the development phase of a small business website? on This Picture You Can See the First Factor That Affects the Cost of Developing a Website for Small Businesses   the Size of the Site

Factor 2. Design Type

The second essential aspect of website complexity is website design.

Indeed, you are making a website to impress, attract, and delight your viewers and customers. The number of features impacts the final cost.

To help with the design complexity, the small business website cost, we look at three significant parameters.

Template-Based Approach

94% of the users decide to stick or bail from your website after seeing the design for the first time.

Google says that if a new site takes more than 3 seconds to open, the majority of the users will bounce off.

So, you have to make sure that the temple you use is simple yet attractive.

Templates and mockups also vary in their accessibility and cost.

Choosing an industry-relevant template will be easier to modify as per your requirements.

Design Library-Based Approach

Depending on the programming language and design software you choose, the component libraries may differ.

Choosing a diversified library and less variety of features will increase the redesign complexity.

In contrast t, a library with fewer items and components will increase work and cost.

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Custom Design Approach

There are several pre-built UI kits at your disposal.

You can use them to jumpstart the designing process.

It will be easier and cost-effective.

Plus, using pre-built kits ensures consistency across the simple website.

But if you choose to go the customization way, you will get better collaboration between:

  • Design and web development;
  • Design and strategy;
  • Design and consistency;

So, the cost of a website for a small business depends on the type of design solution you will use.

In turn, the choice of the design solution is guided by the business challenges to be solved. The same principle is determined by the technical stack choice. This Infographic Describes the Main Factors That Affect the Cost of Small Businesses Website Development

Let’s talk more about it.

Factor 3. Technology Stack

Tech stack implies what technologies you will use to build and design the website.

Besides the technologies for a custom new website, we’d like to also talk about web constructors and template-based development.

Constructor-Based Websites

A constructor-based website for a small business often is a single-page website made on a website builder like Weblium, Wix, Squarespace, and so on.

Building your site with the help of constructors is usually the cheapest and fastest way to develop a website option. The average web constructor like Wix costs $18 per month.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of constructor-based websites.

Pros Cons
  • They are affordable
  • They are easy to use
  • There are plenty of features
  • Many of them come with search engine optimization tools
  • There is not so much functionality for free options
  • There are fewer options to be unique
  • Advanced features cost more
  • They don’t rank well in search engines like Google

It leads us to the next point – template-based websites.

Template-Based Websites

Template-based websites or web-page templates for a small business provide a range of predesigned options that contain ready-made layouts and features for any website. They usually help to make web design more advanced: engaging and interactive.

Ready to take your web design to the next level? Learn how to make an interactive website that connects with your audience.

Most users choose website builders such as WordPress. There you can also choose website templates that are created for WordPress. Their cost ranges between $30 and $300. When it comes to managing content, there is no better option than WordPress sites. It’s open-source and straightforward to use.

You can get a template and edit it according to your style and vision, but a template still won’t provide the uniqueness and customization you want.

Considering custom WordPress website development? We explain the benefits and what it takes to get started.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of template-based websites.

Pros Cons
  • They allow rapid design
  • They are affordable
  • They are simple in use
  • They are customer-friendly
  • Probably templates you like have already been used
  • The flexibility to your brand’s need is limited
  • There is an extra charge for support
  • There is not much design process to fit the needs of your brand

If you decide to create a website from the ground up, you’ll need a customization option.

Custom Websites

Trite statement, but custom websites allow you unlimited customization of the customer and user experience for your business.

The more coding and customization are required, the higher will be the cost of a website for a small business. More pages mean more coding and, ultimately, a higher price.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of custom websites.

Pros Cons
  • There is a freedom of design options
  • There is more custom functionality
  • Custom solutions are unique and created especially for your business
  • Custom websites can scale accordingly to your business
  • It requires more amount of time
  • It requires more support and maintenance
  • You need to communicate your visions to the team
  • The entire process can be resource-consuming

Though in the end, the custom solutions will be worth the time and effort. But while calculating the price, you should take into consideration all possible hidden factors. This Picture Shows the Components of the Technology Stack That is Used to Create a Website for Small Businesses

Hidden Cost Factors for a Small Business Website

These are aspects that require more workforce, innovativeness, and uniqueness.

What now follows is the costs of a new site for a small business that helps run, sustain, market, and attract customers to a website.

1. Setup and Maintenance

Maintenance costs can be twice the cost of web development. For example, if your small business website costs $20,000, maintenance costs $40,000 per year.

The setup and maintenance process contains such aspects:

1. Hosting

Without getting a shared hosting plan, you cannot run your website on the web.

The average cost of website hosting falls between $24 per year to $10,000 per year.

The web hosts needs depend on the website size, bandwidth requirements, number of users coming to your web address.

2. Domain Name

The name of your website is a part of branding.

Here too, you have to get yearly plans for the custom domain name.

The typical small business website domain name will cost between $2 to $20 per year.

3. SSL Certificate

An SSL Certificate is the marker of security.

The purpose of this certificate is to protect your website data and your users from theft and breach.

The users send and receive data from your website during data transfer while adding information, forms, and emails.

For an eCommerce website, having a robust SSL certificate is essential.

You can choose not to have an SSL certification, but it will hurt your marketing and lower reliability.

That is why you can expect to add $10 to $15,000 as the certificate small business website design cost requirements.

With cybersecurity risks on the rise, bot attack prevention has become essential for online security.

We are left with one thing that is imperative to identify the actual cost of a website project for a small business. It’s Marketing.
This Picture Describes the Four Main Hidden Factors That Must Be Taken into Account when Developing a Website

2. Marketing

Startup marketing is one of the most critical aspects of building, growing, and maintaining your market presence.

Marketing will cost x2 – x3 to the development costs. If your small business website costs $20,000, then marketing costs $40,000 – $60,000 per year.

Website marketing mainly includes SEO that provides the following aspects.

Check out how to set marketing objectives correctly to reach your audience.

Starting strong is critical – explore these business startup tips that offer valuable insights.

1. Information Architecture

Information architecture or IA is like a guide map of the website’s structure. It helps understand how to synchronize content management systems, contexts, and users.

The content implies a type of data and content, content structuring, content volume.

The context here refers to the goals, objectives, and motivations of the target audience according to your website content structure.

The users involve the target audience and user experience.

Information architecture closely connects to technical SEO. This Figure Shows the Components of One of the Factors of Hidden Costs Which Has an Impact on the Cost of Developing the Site

2. Technical SEO

Technical SEO and the website design are always connected. SEO helps optimize the website’s infrastructure to promote easy crawling and better SERPs.

Some aspects of SEO are:

  • XML Sitemaps
  • Page speed
  • Data structuring
  • Robots.txt
  • Site navigation

The sitemap and the structure of data are defined by informational architecture. Meanwhile, the complexity of design, number of animations and interactions, define the download speed.

However, without properly done technical SEO, your small business website won’t rank well, i.e. won’t bring any inbound leads.

And that’s the point, where the technical aspect connects with the marketing one. This Picture Shows the Structural Elements of the Second Factor of Hidden Costs That Affect the Cost of Developing a Website

3. Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy requires time, innovation, creativity, and uniqueness. Once the website is up and running, you need marketing to attract new users and retain them.

But before launching the website, you need to look at:

  • The tonality of the сontent and voice
  • Content plan
  • Conversion rate optimization or CRO

Your website’s tonality should match the business values and objectives.

The voice and tone of your website may not have a direct relation with the cost upfront. But if you do it the right way from the beginning, you will save a lot of money redoing it later.

Building a content plan takes into account the long-term objectives.

Without conversion-ready content, your website will not be able to rank and get a conversion.

All of these are a part of the small business website design cost.

To build a content plan, you need to look at:

  1. Target audience
  2. Content by competitors
  3. Available content types

Lastly, you need to design the website according to the Conversion Rate Optimization. It is essential to implement in the beginning, as it helps increase the visitor footprint.

More importantly, CRO depends on your KPIs and set goals. You can create the website as per the KPIs and then measure the CRO against the plans.

The connection between CRO and the business website cost can be confusing. Still, if you have an effective CRO strategy prepared before designing, your website will be developed with the proper process. This Picture Shows the List of Elements That Make Up the Third Factor of Hidden Costs That Affect the Budget for Developing a Website for a Small Business

4. Search Engine Optimization

The concepts of technical SEO are more related to website structuring and design.

The type of SEO we are talking about here is related to the content.

Activity Description
Content Making Look at things like keywords, On-Page SEO, images, Alt-texts, etc.

The initial small business website cost for SEO is web content writing and using the right keywords.

Along with this, ensure that you include relevant meta tags, HTML tags, and meta descriptions.

Google’s crawlers are hungry for good, well-designed, and SEO-rich websites.

Good content means better conversion.

But to reach that stage where the users come across your website on Google, you need good SEO.

Link Building Links to your blogs, articles and other content is another way to raise the bar of your authenticity.

Google is again in a frenzy for authentic and legible backlinks to and from your website.

The more links connect to your website, the better will be the position.

This Picture Demonstrates the Components of Seo As the Last Factor of Hidden Costs Affecting the Cost of Developing a Website

But what team do you need to build a corporate-style website? Let’s see below.

How the Development Team Impacts Website Cost

Suppose you choose to hire a development team for your corporate website development.

To build a custom corporate website, the average team you need will contain:

  • Project manager
  • Business analyst
  • UX/UI designer
  • SEO manager
  • Backend developer
  • Frontend developer
  • Markup Developer
  • Tester

These are job roles that you must employ for building the platform.

While you don’t have a wide scope to change the price with other aspects of the business website costs, the team selection can bring a huge difference.

The time required for a website design also depends on several aspects.

You can include:

  • Structuring
  • UX prototyping
  • UI design
  • Development and connection of integrations
  • QA testing
  • Deployment

As for the options of hiring a team, there are usually three options to choose from:

  • Hire In-House Team
  • Hire a Local Agency
  • Hire Freelance Team
  • Hire an agency specializing in IT outsourcing for small business.

Let’s research each of the options in detail.

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Type 1. In-House Team

Hiring an in-house team means you need to gather your team. Here, you can find specialists depending on your product’s goals and hire in-house web developers at the cost you suggest.

An in-house software developer for a corporate website can cost you between $70,000 to $500,000 annually. If you need an in-house team, you need to understand this amount can increase proportionally.

Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring an in-house team.

Pros Cons
  • You will have all your developers in one place working on a common goal
  • There will be no external access to your project
  • You can get seamless collaboration
  • The cost of building such a team is high
  • There can be overhead costs
  • Scaling your team can be a time-consuming process
This Picture Describes the Pros and Cons of Implementing an In house Development Team Which Will Affect the Cost of Creating a Small Businesses Website

Want to learn more about the cost of hiring a software developer? We break down what you need to know.

Type 2. Local Agency

If you are looking at an American web design and web development agency, the average cost of getting a US agency to work for you is more than $150 per hour.

Considering you employ them for 500 hours, you will spend $75,000 for the entire project. For a startup business, that could be quite a lot

Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring a local agency.

Pros Cons
  • Despite the cost, the quality of the work delivered by a US agency is extraordinary
  • You don’t have to worry about communication and deliverability
  • You will find access to innovative and tech-savvy web designers and developers
  • The highest price is for the design and development
  • For a small business, the price is not very friendly
  • It can be expensive, depending on the location
This Picture Shows the Pros and Cons of Hiring a Local Developer Agency Which Will Affect the Cost for Corporate Website Development

Type 3. Freelancers

Freelancer website designers will charge somewhere between $15 to $30 per hour. Furthermore, development experts can also cost about the same.

Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring a freelance team.

Pros Cons
  • Freelancers are cost-effective
  • Choosing a bunch of freelancers to do your work will lead to a lesser small business website cost
  • They are easy to hire and onboard
  • You can find talent from across the globe
  • There are many sources like Upwork, Toptal, Guru, Fiverr, and others to find freelancers
  • Freelancers are not very reliable
  • For something as important as your business website, you need someone with accountability
  • They may lack deliverability and understanding of the work
  • You need to get 4 to 5 freelancers on board
  • Developing sync between all of them is more accessible said than done
This Picture Describes the Pros and Cons of Hiring Freelancers Which Will Affect the Cost of Creating a Corporate Website

Type 4. Outsourcing Agency

Hiring an agency in Ukraine will bring down the small business website cost to $40 per hour.

It means that for the same amount of work, a Ukrainian agency will charge $20,000.

Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring an outsourcing agency.

Pros Cons
  • For low-end small business website design cost in terms of quality/cost
  • You can get a high-quality product and prompt delivery in less time
  • There is no communication gap
  • There can be a time gap
  • There can appear hidden costs
  • You can shift time frames

For trusted IT partners, explore the best IT outsourcing companies listed here. This Picture Illustrates the Pros and Cons of Hiring an Outsourcing Agency Which Have a Direct Impact on the Budget to Create a Corporate Website

Check out our insights on custom software development cost that cover what drives prices and how to manage expenses.

Moving ahead, we are left with the common question of how to choose the best development team.

How to Choose the Right Development Team?

The search for the best development team is one of the most critical and fundamental issues.

You need to be careful because you are looking for specialists who will implement your ideas, so the future of your project depends on their skills and abilities.

We recommend looking at such things:

  • Potential of the company to help you succeed.
  • The company’s portfolio proves its expertise.
  • The cost of the company’s services.
  • The location of the potential partner.
  • The size of the company.
This Picture Shows Tips to Help in Choosing a Development Team for Your Corporate Website

As you can see, there is a lot of things that go on behind the curtain.

What’s Next?

At SpdLoad, we specialize in creating custom website design and development services for small businesses.

Our goal is to help take your business to the next level with an effective and budget-friendly website.

You can check out our case studies and Clutch reviews to understand how we work with clients to create websites that deliver a high ROI.

Unlock growth opportunities through IT outsourcing for small business and contact us to see how we can help you take your small business to the next level with a custom-built website.

Bonus Infographic

Below you can see a summary of our detailed guide. Check out the highlights of developing a corporate website.

  This Infographic Describes the Main Factors That Affect the Cost of Small Businesses Website Development

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