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All You Need to Know About PHP Development Outsourcing

12 min

According to W3Techs, PHP powers 77.4% of known server-side programming languages on websites. Big names like WordPress, Behance, Tumblr, and more support PHP. 

Yet, not every business possesses the resources or expertise required to develop projects internally. No worries. Today, companies can outsource PHP software development globally to customize websites or CMS-based online shops. 

Read on to discover how outsourcing PHP development can reduce project costs, ensure high quality, and simplify your business operations. We will also explore the PHP skillset to look for and provide a step-by-step guide to searching for a reliable vendor.  

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5 Reasons to Outsource PHP Development

Whether you’re a PHP app development company, a startup, or a large enterprise, you understand that creating PHP products demands strong coding skills. 

You may need to expand your talent pool and hire experts externally to meet this demand. Another way you can do that is by assembling a dedicated team for projects like website and app development

This is where outsourcing can help. Let’s explore some of the reasons why you might need external PHP development support. 

Local Talent Shortage

Your in-house development team can be trained and equipped for the defined scope of tasks and skills. However, as your project expands, you might need to involve additional expertise. In some cases, hiring experts in your region can be a time-consuming and costly process. In this situation, outsourcing emerges as an effective solution.

Long Delivery Times

Timing is everything for businesses. It plays a crucial role in product launches, marketing efforts, and strategic decisions. 

In some cases, you need to add new features to your platform fast, your in-house team might take too long to deliver results. Overworking your in-house team is not an option. So, hiring an outsourced PHP developer is a great choice.

It enables you to bring in engineers promptly, ensuring you meet your deadlines and expand your business. For instance, if you need an agile and flexible team, hiring PHP specialists for short-term projects allows you to easily switch to a different team if you’re unsatisfied with the results.

Unfixable Code Issues

As your business expands, you might face challenges with maintaining and scaling your code. This can be a significant issue for a fast-growing company that needs to scale rapidly. 

You may also discover that your in-house team lacks the skills or tools to rewrite certain parts of the code. In such situations, outsourcing the code rewrite can help you maintain functionality while updating your code to be more sustainable and scalable.

Outdated Tech Stack 

Every project goes through stages and has a life cycle. Eventually, it must be replaced with something better and more efficient. This is where outsourcing PHP development can help. Experts in outsourcing have experience with various technologies and can identify when your current project is no longer meeting your business needs.

For example, you have a website built with PHP, but it’s becoming slow and outdated compared to your competitors. Outsourcing PHP development can help you revamp your website with modern features and technologies to stay competitive.

Cash Flow Constraints

Cash flow is a constant worry for businesses, especially startups. If your project has faced financial ups and downs, you might have a funding gap. Hiring an in-house development team may seem ideal, but it’s often not feasible. 

It’s hard to attract talent without funding. Outsourcing software development becomes appealing in such cases as it allows you to sustain your project without a hefty upfront cost.

There might be situations when your funds are limited, and you must develop a new app. Instead of hiring a full in-house team, you can outsource the development to a skilled team, allowing you to manage your cash flow effectively and retain control over the project’s direction.

7 Benefits of PHP Outsourcing

There are multiple benefits of dedicating our PHP development to specialists. Let’s explore a few of them.

  1. Unleash Cost Efficiency

According to the Deloitte survey, one of the primary reasons for outsourcing IT is the need to cut costs. 

However, outsourcing your PHP development saves you money and unleashes cost efficiency.

With reduced overhead expenses and access to global talent in regions with competitive rates, you can achieve more without breaking the bank.

Benefits of PHP Outsourcing
  1. Scale Seamlessly

Don’t let growth constraints hold you back. 

Outsourcing offers seamless scalability, allowing you to expand or shrink your development resources as your project demands change. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional hiring models. 

Embrace the power of flexibility with outsourcing. You can quickly adapt resources and project scopes to navigate evolving market landscapes and meet changing business needs. For example, you can pause collaboration with a vendor and then restore it whenever needed. This flexibility allows you to step back and evaluate the collaboration results and see if it is worth it. 

  1. Swift Recruitment, Swift Results

According to a study by Dr. Andrew Chamberlain of glassdoor.com, the average time it takes to hire workers in the U.S. for all jobs is about 22.9 days. However, more complex jobs may take longer to fill.

For instance, hiring a software engineer typically takes an average of 35 days, with at least 30 interview reviews.

In the fast-paced world of business, time is money. Outsourcing accelerates the recruitment process, delivering swift results. With access to a diverse pool of skilled candidates worldwide, you can handpick the best minds to drive your projects forward.

  1. Focus on What Matters

Outsourcing your PHP development can help you shift your focus to high-priority tasks. It can also free up valuable internal resources and energy to concentrate on core business activities and strategic initiatives that drive growth. 

While hiring an in-house team might be your initial plan, finding the right people can be challenging and time-consuming. The process of recruiting, hiring, and managing employees demands significant attention. 

Outsourcing development allows you to swiftly launch your product while staying focused on your business objectives. It’s a smart way to get your project off the ground quickly.

  1. Access Elite Expertise

Your in-house specialists are not jacks-of-all-trades. They might lack specific skills and toolsets. But that is okay. You can always level up by working with external developers. This is a common practice within the industry. In fact, statistics reveal that over 50% of global outsourcing comes from software development. 

Unlock access to elite PHP development expertise that fuels innovation and drives results. With outsourcing, you can tap into specialized skills and knowledge that elevate your projects to new heights of success.

Gain Project Clarity with a Discovery Phase.

6 Steps to Outsource PHP Development

To successfully outsource PHP development, businesses should follow a strategic approach. 

Here are the four steps to consider in 2024:

Step 1: Define Your Needs and Goals

Before you start looking for a partner, make sure you know what you need. Ask yourself:

  • Do you need to start a project from scratch or get help with an existing one?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • What’s your budget and timeline?
  • What features does your product need?
  • What kind of specialists do you need?
  • How experienced should your software engineering partner be?
  • Do you prefer meeting in person or working remotely? 

Consider these questions and find clear answers to save time for you and your candidates.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

Now that you have an idea of your ideal partner look for candidates. Check popular review platforms like Clutch or GoodFirms to learn about leading custom software development companies. These platforms provide reviews, ratings, and verified information about services and reputation. 

Thoroughly research potential outsourcing partners, considering their expertise, experience, portfolio, and client feedback. Evaluate their technical capabilities, communication skills, and cultural fit to ensure alignment with your project goals.

Step 3: Evaluate Expertise

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, assess their expertise. Check their website for professionalism, user interface, and previous projects. At SPDLoad, we understand that case studies are a valuable resource that can help you decide on our expertise. Feel free to check out our case study on PHP development for an e-learning project. 

While some companies may display only some projects due to NDAs, feel free to contact them for more information. Decide whether you need to sign an NDA agreement in advance when agreeing with your partner.

Step 4. Assess Work Methodology

Finding a partner whose work approach matches your project needs and company culture is crucial. A reliable software partner’s methodology should demonstrate how the company, rather than individuals, fosters innovation in the long term and achieves short-term product development goals.

Look for a trustworthy software development partner with documented development approaches on their website. Agile development practices and modern frameworks like Scrum and the Iterative Incremental model are widely regarded as the gold standard for building top-quality digital products.

Step 5. Request a Quote

Now it’s time to discuss finances. Avoid making decisions based on a generic rate card when requesting a bid and instead seek a specific quote. 

A reputable software development firm will assist you in making important early decisions, offer insights, and provide you with an actionable proposal containing major terms, pricing details, and estimated timelines. This allows you to refine your ROI model and make informed decisions.

Most software development partners offer Fixed Budget, Time & Material, and Dedicated Team outsourcing contracts. Again, it’s essential to consider your project specifics and choose the right option for your needs.

Key Skills to Consider When Choosing a PHP Development Partner

When you hire a team of outsourced PHP developers, they typically have access to the latest tools and technologies. This offers a significant advantage, as modern frameworks and libraries can boost productivity and shorten development time. You won’t need to train developers, as they’re already familiar with industry trends, and your team won’t lag as new technologies emerge.

When selecting a PHP development partner, evaluating several key factors is essential to ensure a successful collaboration. Here are the critical criteria to consider:

Experience and Experience

Seek a company with deep expertise in core PHP development and related web technologies, including MySQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and popular PHP frameworks.

Check their experience – ideally, they should have offered PHP development services for over five years.

Key Skills to Consider When Choosing a PHP Development Partner

Technical expertise is vital for building reliable, scalable, and secure web applications. Evaluate their understanding of databases, server setups, and web security protocols to ensure comprehensive capabilities.

Frameworks and Libraries Knowledge

Modern PHP development often involves frameworks like Laravel and Symfony. Familiarity with these tools can significantly enhance productivity and code quality. At SPDLoad, our specialists are working with Laravel and its tools, including Nova, Forge, Voyager, and Spark. Overall, Laravel’s versatility and rich feature set make it a preferred choice in various web development projects.

Additionally, libraries like Guzzle and PHPMailer extend PHP capabilities into new realms.

Front-End Technologies

While PHP is a server-side language, PHP developers should have a solid grasp of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This ensures seamless integration of client and server-side scripts.

Version Control

Proficiency in using version control systems like Git is essential for tracking changes, collaborating, and deploying code effectively.

Problem-Solving and Debugging

Experienced PHP developers excel at troubleshooting, debugging, and efficiently solving issues. This ensures reliable and secure applications.

Soft Skills

Beyond technical abilities, consider soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability. These are crucial in a collaborative environment.

Remember, choosing the right PHP development partner involves thoroughly evaluating their technical proficiency, communication practices, project execution, and cultural fit.

Typically, a project manager or team lead oversees the work when you outsource development to a company. They ensure smooth communication with your team and oversee project progress.

PHP Outsourcing Rates and Hidden Costs

Outsourcing PHP development can be a strategic move for businesses, offering advantages and considerations. Let’s examine PHP outsourcing rates and potential hidden costs. 

As mentioned in the section above, the main factor that saves you money when offshoring is the right choice of location. For example, companies from the USA choose offshoring because their local development prices are very high. So they transfer their projects to those who charge less for the same work.

Techreviewer.co conducted a survey to explore software companies’ geographic market focus and identify their top target regions. The survey results provide insights into these companies’ global distribution of business interests. Let’s see how development prices vary from country to country.

PHP Outsourcing Rates and Hidden Costs


Development prices are often influenced by factors such as the cost of living, taxes, national average incomes, and demand. Therefore, when selecting the most advantageous option for you, quality of service should not be a concern. For example, outsourcing PHP programming to countries like Ukraine offers exceptional job quality, solid professional qualifications, and cost-effectiveness. 

Hiring a developer in the US will cost an average of $85-$95 per hour while the services of a developer with the same skillset but located in Ukraine will cost you about $35-45 per hour. As you can see, choosing the right location can help you save money without compromising on quality.

Hidden Costs to Consider

  • Upfront Costs 

While outsourcing can be cost-effective in the long run, there are initial expenses. These include finding the right outsourcing partner, negotiating contracts, and setting up communication channels. However, these upfront costs are usually outweighed by long-term benefits.

  • Transition Costs

Transitioning activities to an outsourced vendor can incur costs until the vendor fully takes over from your internal team. The nature of the outsourced activities determines much of this cost.

  • Additional Expenses

Legal fees, contract management, and travel costs for on-site visits can accumulate. It’s essential to factor in these hidden costs when planning your budget.

In summary, outsourcing PHP development offers significant advantages, but weighing the costs and benefits is crucial. Choose a reliable partner, consider security, and ensure clear communication to maximize the value of your outsourcing strategy.

Why Outsource PHP Development to SpdLoad?

With SpdLoad, you get top-notch PHP development services tailored to your needs. Our experts analyze your requirements and provide highly scalable and secure solutions. We also offer consulting, refactoring, upgrades, support, quality assurance, and comprehensive maintenance for your application.

Outsourcing PHP development services to SpdLoad allows you to harness the full potential of this versatile language. From dynamic websites to robust web applications, we consistently deliver exceptional results that align with your business objectives.

Check out what we can do for you:

  • CMS Development

Specializing in open-source CMS platforms like WordPress, we create scalable and customizable websites tailored to your business needs. 

  • eCommerce PHP Solutions

Our team offers customizable eCommerce solutions equipped with modern functionalities. You can benefit from our expertise and tailored services to meet your unique requirements.

  • Custom PHP Apps

Our team excels in MVC, OOP, and core PHP, delivering dynamic, static, and integrated PHP web applications customized to your specifications. 

  • Custom Web Portals

SpdLoad’s engineers specialize in building business web portals using PHP. Committed to crafting solutions that propel your business forward, we ensure your unique requirements are met every step of the way.

Benefits of Choosing SpdLoad for PHP Development

  • Enhanced Security

We specialize in spotting and fixing security weaknesses in PHP code, keeping your applications safe from cyber threats, and meeting industry security standards.

  • Performance Optimization

Our team boosts the speed and scalability of PHP applications by improving code efficiency, reducing delays, and speeding up load times.

  • Efficient Dependency Management

We keep your PHP applications reliable and up-to-date by managing dependencies and frameworks effectively. This prevents conflicts and compatibility issues, ensuring seamless operation.

Ready to learn more about how we can be helpful? Contact us today and let’s explore the opportunities of bringing your great ideas to life. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I outsource PHP development?

Outsourcing PHP development allows you to access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. It can help you save costs by avoiding hiring and training new staff. 

Additionally, outsourcing enables you to focus on your core business activities while experts handle the technical aspects of PHP development.

How do I choose the right PHP development partner?

Consider their experience, expertise, and past projects when choosing a PHP development partner. Look for a partner with a proven track record of delivering quality PHP solutions within your budget and timeline. Ensure they have clear communication channels and understand your project requirements thoroughly.

How do I handle data privacy and security in outsourced development?

Ensure that your PHP development partner adheres to industry standards and regulations regarding data protection. Implement robust security measures, including secure communication channels and data encryption protocols. 

What are the partnership models for outsourcing PHP development projects?

Common partnership models for outsourcing PHP development include dedicated teams, fixed-price contracts, and time and material contracts. Choose a partnership model that aligns with your project requirements, budget, and level of involvement. Discuss the pros and cons of each model with your PHP development partner to determine the best fit for your project.

How do I effectively communicate with an offshore PHP development team?

Use collaborative tools and platforms for real-time communication, such as video conferencing, project management software, and messaging apps. Establish clear communication channels, schedules, and expectations from the outset to ensure transparency and alignment throughout the project.

Are there specific types of PHP projects that are more suited to outsourcing?

PHP projects that require specialized skills, such as e-commerce development, web application development, and large-scale projects, are well-suited to outsourcing. Additionally, projects with tight deadlines or fluctuating resource needs can benefit from outsourcing PHP development. 

Evaluate your project requirements and consider outsourcing for tasks that align with your business goals and expertise gaps.

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