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5 Best Recruiting CRM Software and Tools for 2024

Vira Kostohlad

Vira Kostohlad

Head of Recruting

14 min

The top recruitment CRM solutions have become must-haves in today’s hugely competitive talent acquisition landscape.

As demand grows for innovative recruiting and efficient candidate management, recruiters turn to advanced Recruitment CRM platforms to streamline their processes and boost their capabilities.

In this article on choosing the best recruitment CRM in 2024, we’ll look at:

  • Recruiting trends in 2024
  • What a Recruitment CRM is
  • Benefits of using a recruitment CRM
  • Examples of CRMs used by recruiters
  • Factors to consider when selecting the best CRM for your needs
  • Key features to look for in recruiting software
  • Examples of the best recruitment CRM platforms

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Let’s dive right into the meat of the article:

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Understanding Today’s Recruitment Landscape

The recruitment software market currently grows at a CAGR of 9.86%, from over $2.78 billion in 2023. 

This growth is due to some market trends that entail remote work models, skills gaps, and the gig economy. 

Let’s delve into these trends.

Trend 1. Remote and Hybrid Work Models

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid work models.

As such, recruiters need to adapt to sourcing and hiring candidates from a wider geographical pool–a situation that has created the difficulty of onboarding remote employees effectively. 

This challenge has necessitated the need for advanced tools for onboarding and video interviewing tools.

Recruiters also require collaboration tools to manage remote teams. 

Trend 2. Skills Gap and Re-skilling

The rapid technological advancement in many workplaces has resulted in a constant need for upskilling and reskilling.

This has created the challenge of identifying candidates with the right aptitude for learning and assessing soft skills like creativity and adaptability. 

Recruiters as a response to this challenge require AI-driven skill assessment platforms, gamified assessment, and continuous learning platforms. 

Trend 3. Gig Economy and Freelancing

In the US, 60% of gig workers are engaged in freelancing activities at least weekly, with 44% of them considering it to be their main source of income.

This has created the challenge of attracting and retaining freelancers, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and building a strong employer brand for gig workers.

The intricacy of the Gig economy necessitates the need for recruiters and managers to have freelancer management platforms, talent marketplaces, and contract management software.

the image shows a recruituing trends

Now that you have an apt understanding of the landscape, let’s answer a possible question: what is a CRM in recruiting? 

What is a Recruitment CRM? 

A Recruitment Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a specialized software platform designed to help organizations effectively manage their interactions and relationships with job candidates and potential hires throughout the hiring process. 

It serves as a central hub for storing, organizing, and tracking information about candidates, job openings, and the entire hiring pipeline. 

The definition of recruiting crm

Now that you know what is a recruitment CRM, let’s consider the benefits of using a recruitment CRM.

Benefits of Using a Recruitment CRM

Using a recruitment CRM can offer immense benefits for organizations involved in talent acquisition. Some of these benefits include: 

Benefit 1. Efficient Candidate Management  

Centralizes candidate data, making it easy to store and access information about potential hires, their qualifications, and their progress in the recruitment process.

Benefit 2. Improved Communication

It enables seamless communication with candidates through email integration and messaging features, enhancing candidate engagement and building positive relationships.

Benefit 3. Streamlined Recruitment Process 

Helps in automating routine tasks such as resume parsing, interview scheduling, and follow-up communication, reducing manual effort and saving time.

Benefit 4. Enhanced Candidate Experience

It provides users with a personalized and efficient experience for candidates, which can lead to a positive reputation for the company and improved relationships with candidates.

Benefit 5. Higher Quality Hire

It helps identify and attract top talent by streamlining the selection process and ensuring hiring managers have access to a pool of well-qualified candidates.

The benefits of recruiting crm

Now that you understand the benefits of using a customer relationship management tool to hire, let’s see noteworthy examples out there: 

Examples of Using CRM for Recruiters 

Recruitment CRMs are versatile tools that can be used in various ways to streamline and enhance the recruitment process. 

Here are some examples of how you can use CRM software as a recruiter:

Example 1. Candidate Sourcing and Relationship Building

Recruiters can use CRM systems to source candidates from multiple channels, including job boards, social media, and referrals.

They can then build and maintain relationships with potential candidates by storing their profiles, communication history, and notes in the CRM.

The example of using recruiting crm such as candidate sourcing

Example 2. Automated Email Campaign

Recruiters can create email templates and use CRM automation to send personalized email campaigns to potential candidates.

These campaigns can inform candidates about job openings, provide company updates, or request updated resumes.

The example of using recruiting crm such as automated email campaigns

Example 3. Talent Pool Management

Recruiters can segment their talent pool based on skills, experience, or other criteria and use the CRM to engage with candidates when relevant job openings become available.

This approach allows for faster and more targeted candidate placements.

The example of using recruiting crm such as talent pool management

Example 4. Pipeline Management

The CRM can help recruiters manage their entire hiring pipeline, from initial contact to onboarding.

It tracks the status of candidates, schedules interviews, and sends reminders to ensure a smooth recruitment process.

The example of using recruiting crm such as hiring pipeline management

Why Your Company Needs the Best CRM for Recruiting

Recruitment in today’s labor market is more challenging than ever due to various factors, including talent shortages, the need for efficient remote recruitment, and the demand for diverse, high-quality candidates. 

To navigate these challenges effectively, recruiters often need to build CRM for recruiting.

Here’s why:

Reason 1. To Combat Talent Shortages 

In many industries, there is a need for more skilled and qualified candidates. The best CRM helps recruiters by providing advanced sourcing capabilities to tap into a wider talent pool. 

They also help automate candidate engagement–a move that can convince rare-skilled passive job seekers to work for your organization.

Additionally, it offers robust analytics that helps promptly identify high-potential candidates. 

Reason 2. For Cost Efficiency Offerings  

Using the best CRM recruiting guarantees that you reduce manual, time-consuming tasks through automation.

It also helps organizations optimize recruitment processes, thereby ensuring that you get the most out of your recruitment budget.

Reason 3. Global Talent Acquisition 

Organizations that want to hire an international workforce can benefit from a top-tier CRM offering cross-border recruitment features, multilingual support, and compliance tools to ensure adherence to international labor laws.

Reason 4. Candidate Experience Enhancement 

In today’s competitive job market, providing an exceptional candidate experience is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. 

The CRM allows recruiters to send personalized messages to candidates.

This can include automated updates on their application status, interview schedules, and information about the company and its culture.

These tailored communications make candidates feel valued and engaged throughout the process.

Reason 5. Integration with the HR Ecosystem

A crucial aspect of an effective CRM for recruiting is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other components of the HR ecosystem, including Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), onboarding platforms, and other HR software. 

Integration ensures the seamless flow of data between different HR systems.

For example, when a candidate is hired, their information can be transferred from the CRM to the ATS, and subsequently, to the onboarding platform.

The reasons why you need the recruiting crm

Key Features to Look for in a Recruitment CRM

Knowing how to choose the best recruitment CRM entails identifying the key features to look for.

Let’s delve into this in detail.

Feature 1. Candidate Relationship Management Capabilities

This feature helps recruiters build and manage relationships with candidates.

It allows hiring managers to store candidate profiles, communication history, and notes to maintain a comprehensive candidate database. 

An example of how they can benefit you as a recruiter is that they allow you to track and manage candidate interactions, including email correspondence, interview feedback, and notes about each candidate’s preferences, career goals, and history with the organization. 

This information helps recruiters personalize communications, improving the overall candidate experience.

The featires to look in a recruiting crm, such as candidate relationship management

Feature 2. Automated Communication and Follow-Up Tools 

Automation tools in a recruitment CRM streamline communication by sending automated messages, reminders, and follow-ups to candidates at different stages of the recruitment process.

After a candidate applies, the CRM automatically sends a confirmation email, followed by reminders for upcoming interviews, assessments, and feedback requests.

This ensures that candidates receive timely updates and maintain engagement throughout the process.

The featires to look in a recruiting crm, such as automated communication

Feature 3. Analytics and Reporting Functionalities 

Analytics and reporting features provide recruiters with insights into recruitment metrics, allowing them to assess the effectiveness of their strategies. 

For example, recruiters can generate reports on various key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time-to-fill, source effectiveness, conversion rates, and diversity metrics.

These reports help in identifying bottlenecks, optimizing sourcing channels, and improving the recruitment process.

The featires to look in a recruiting crm, such as analytics and reporting functionalities

Feature 4. User-friendly Interface and Mobile Accessibility 

A user-friendly interface ensures that recruiters can navigate the CRM with ease, and mobile accessibility allows them to access the system on smartphones and tablets, promoting flexibility and efficiency.

For example, this feature lets recruiters quickly access candidate profiles, update candidate status, and review interview schedules from their mobile devices.

This is especially valuable when they’re on the go or working remotely, as it ensures that they remain responsive and productive.

The featires to look in a recruiting crm, such as user-friendly interface and mobile accessability

Feature 5. Cost-Effective Pricing Models 

Cost-effective pricing models ensure that the CRM provides value for money while aligning with an organization’s budget constraints.

Different CRMs offer pricing structures, such as per-user, per-recruiter, or subscription-based models.

For example, organizations can choose a pricing model that suits their specific needs and size.

For smaller organizations with only a few recruiters, a per-user pricing model might be more cost-effective, while larger enterprises might opt for subscription-based pricing. 

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The featires to look in a recruiting crm, such as cost-effecting pricing models

What else? Let’s now consider the types of CRM systems for recruiters. 

Types of CRM Systems for Recruiters 

There are several types of CRM systems that recruiters can choose from based on their specific needs and preferences. The three common types are:

Type 1. Cloud-Based CRM 

Cloud-based CRM, also known as Software as a Service (SaaS) CRM, is hosted on remote servers and accessed over the internet. It does not require installation on local servers or devices.

For a better understanding of your options, let’s discuss the pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Cloud-based CRM

Advantages Disadvantages 
Recruiters can access the CRM from any location with an internet connection, promoting flexibility and remote work.Storing data off-site may raise security concerns for organizations, especially in highly regulated industries.
Software updates and maintenance are typically managed by the CRM provider, reducing the IT workload for the organization.A reliable internet connection is required to access the CRM, which may pose challenges in areas with poor connectivity.
Cloud-based CRMs are often scalable, allowing organizations to adjust resources and features based on changing needs.It has a recurring subscription fee that can accumulate over time
Types of recruiting crm systems such as cloud-based crm

Type 2. On-premise CRM

On-premises CRM systems are installed and run on servers located within the organization’s physical premises. The organization is responsible for maintenance and data security.

Let’s also consider its pros and cons for better understanding.

Pros and Cons of on-premise CRM

Advantages Disadvantages
Organizations have full control over their data, which can be especially important for those with stringent data privacy and compliance requirements.On-premises CRM systems typically require substantial upfront investments in hardware and software licenses.
Data is stored locally, which can be perceived as more secure by some organizations.Organizations are responsible for system maintenance, including updates and security, which can be resource-intensive.
On-premises CRMs can be highly customized to meet specific organizational needs.Accessing the CRM remotely or from different locations can be challenging, limiting flexibility, especially for remote work scenarios.
Types of recruiting crm systems such as on-premise crm

Type 3. Web-Based CRMs

Web-based CRMs are hosted on external servers but accessed through a web browser. These are often lighter and more straightforward than traditional cloud-based CRM systems.

Let’s delve into the intricacy of its pros and cons. 

Pros and Cons of Web-Based CRMs 

Advantages Disadvantages 
  • Web-based CRMs offer accessibility from any location with an internet connection.
  • They are often user-friendly, with straightforward interfaces that require minimal training.
  • Web-based CRMs are typically more cost-effective compared to on-premises solutions.
  • Some web-based CRMs may have limitations in terms of scalability and may not be suitable for larger organizations with complex needs.
Types of recruiting crm systems such as web-based crms

So you’re probably wondering, what are the factors to consider when choosing recruitment software for agencies? We’ll delve right into that immediately: 

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Recruitment CRM Software

Before you choose the best CRM for your needs, you should first consider some highly determinant factors, which include: 

1. Candidate Relationship Management Capabilities

Look for a CRM that allows you to maintain a detailed and organized candidate database. 

It should offer fields for storing essential information such as candidate names, contact details, work history, education, skills, and more.

The database should also support document uploads, enabling you to store candidate resumes, cover letters, and any relevant documents.

2. Job Posting and Candidate Sourcing Tools

Evaluate the CRM’s ability to post job openings to multiple job boards and websites. Look for features that enable easy distribution of job listings to various platforms.

This should include popular job boards, company websites, and social media channels.

You should also assess the CRM’s integration with social media and professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

It should allow for efficient sourcing of candidates from these platforms, including tools to import candidate profiles and data.

3. Pricing Models

It’s best to select a CRM that aligns with your budget. Be sure to consider both the initial setup costs and ongoing subscription or licensing fees.

Additionally, assess whether there are any hidden costs, such as customization, data migration, or support charges.

4. Ease of Use and Implementation

Ease of use is a paramount factor when choosing a CRM for recruitment. The system should have an intuitive interface, allowing for easy navigation without extensive training. 

Customization options, mobile accessibility, and integration capabilities with existing tools contribute to user-friendliness.

5. Quality of Customer Support

A CRM with a strong reputation for customer support ensures that you have a reliable partner to assist you through any issues or challenges that may arise during implementation and ongoing usage. 

Responsive customer support not only helps resolve technical problems promptly but also offers guidance in optimizing your CRM for your specific needs.

6. Size of Your Recruiting Team

If you have a small team, selecting a CRM system tailored for small businesses can be highly beneficial.

They provide an efficient solution without overwhelming you with complex functionalities designed for larger enterprises. 

A CRM that matches your team size ensures that you make the most of your resources and can seamlessly manage your customer relationships and sales processes without unnecessary complexity.

7. Your Industry’s Unique Needs

Choosing a CRM aligned with your industry ensures that it provides the necessary tools, data management capabilities, and regulatory compliance, streamlining your workflow and enhancing your ability to meet industry-specific challenges and standards effectively. 

This industry alignment is essential for optimal CRM performance and the successful execution of your business processes.

8. Reviews From Current Users

When selecting the best CRM for your recruitment needs, reading reviews from other businesses that have experience with various systems is crucial. 

Reviews provide valuable insights into real-world performance, ease of use, and customer satisfaction.

By considering user experiences, you can gain a better understanding of the CRM’s strengths, and weaknesses. 

The factors to consider when choosing the best crm

Now that you’ve known the factors to look out for to choose the best recruitment CRM in 2024, let’s discuss some popular examples to consider. 

Top-Rated CRM Tools for Recruiters in 2024

Having top-notch CRM tools for recruitment can help you improve your retention rate, identify top-talent quickly, and prevent bad hires.

Here are some of the best examples of CRM tools for recruitment:

1. Zoho Recruit 

Zoho Recruit is a cloud-based recruitment CRM software designed to streamline the entire recruitment process.

It helps organizations manage candidate relationships, optimize recruitment workflows, and make data-driven hiring decisions.

Key Features of Zoho Recruit

Its key features are: 

  • Candidate Sourcing, 
  • Applicant Tracking, 
  • Resume Parsing, 
  • Automated Communication. 

Now let’s consider its strengths and weaknesses. 

Strengths and Weaknesses of Zoho Recruit 

Strength Weaknesses 
  • It has a user-friendly interface, 
  • It offers a cost-effective solution,
  • Zoho Recruit integrates seamlessly with various job boards.
  • It doesn’t offer advanced automation capabilities, 
  • Less robust reporting and analytics features,


It has a different monthly pricing plan that entails: 

  • Free: $0, 
  • Standard: $25, 
  • Professional: $50, 
  • Enterprise: $75. 
The examples of recruiting crm such as ZohoRecruit

Another example of recruitment CRM to consider is Bullhorn. 

2. Bullhorn

Bullhorn is a leading CRM and applicant tracking system (ATS) for the staffing and recruitment industry as over 10,000 companies currently use it.

The software helps to recruit and staffing firms manage candidate and client relationships, automate workflows, and gain insights through reporting and analytics. 

Key Features of Bullhorn

The key features of this recruitment CRM are: 

  • Workflow Management, 
  • Pipeline Reports, 
  • Resume Search, 
  • Employee Self Service, 
  • Calendar Sync, 
  • Customizable Branding. 

Strength and Weaknesses of Bullhorn

Strength Weaknesses 
  • It is highly customizable,
  • It offers robust automation capabilities advanced reporting and analytics, 
  • It is highly scalable.
  • Pricing is expensive, 
  • Its features are overly complex. 

Pricing of Bullhorn

Bullhorn offers a custom pricing plan, thus, you’ll have to reach out to the sales team for precise cost. 

The examples of recruiting crm such as Bullhorn

3. Greenhouse

Greenhouse is a talent acquisition platform that provides a comprehensive solution for organizations to optimize their hiring processes.

This solution is one of the best CRM for recruiting as it focuses on helping companies assess candidates effectively through data and AI.

Key Features of Greenhouse

Some of the key features of this software are: 

  • Applicant tracking,
  • Structured hiring,
  • Team collaboration,
  • Automated task management,
  • Multichannel sourcing,
  • Candidate experience, 
  • Core reports.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Greenhouse 

Strength Weaknesses 
  • It has a talent assessment feature for structured interviews, 
  • Integrations with various HR and recruitment tools, 
  • It is highly scalable
  • It has a time-consuming learning curve, 
  • It is overly complex for simple businesses.

Pricing of Greenhouse 

Pricing is based on the size of your company. Thus, pricing is custom-provided by the Greenhouse sales team. 

The examples of recruiting crm such as GreenhouseRecruiting

4. Recruiterflow 

Recruiter Flow is a recruitment CRM designed to simplify the candidate sourcing and communication processes.

The software aims to provide an affordable and user-friendly solution for organizations seeking to streamline their recruitment efforts.

Key Features of Recruiterflow

Some major features of this software entail: 

  • Job Boards,
  • Employee Database Management, 
  • Interview Management, 
  • Candidate Tracking, 
  • Campaign Management, 
  • Multi-channel Marketing. 

Strengths and Weaknesses of Recruiterflow

Here are the pros and cons of using Recruiterflow: 

Pros Cons
  • It is cost-effective, 
  • It has an interactive and engaging design that’s fit for a new user. 
  • It’s not the ideal for a complex and multinational enterprise. 

Pricing of Recruiterflow

It has three pricing plans, with an option of a free trial. These are: 

  • Basic: $99, 
  • Pro: $109, 
  • Advanced: $129
The examples of recruiting crm such as RecruiterFlow

Next on our list in this article titled How to choose the best recruitment CRM in 2024 is LinkedIn Recruiter, let’s delve into that. 

5. LinkedIn Recruiter

LinkedIn Recruiter is a specialized tool within the LinkedIn platform for candidate sourcing and talent acquisition.

It provides direct access to LinkedIn’s vast professional network, allowing recruiters to search for and connect with potential candidates. 

  • Key Features of LinkedIn Recruiter 

  • Profile Recommendation, 
  • Talent Updates, 
  • Connection Path, 
  • Inmail Recipient Insights. 

Strengths and Weaknesses of LinkedIn Recruiter 

The pros and cons of this top recruitment software are: 

Pros Cons 
  • Direct access to all of LinkedIn’s 950 million members
  • Targeted candidate search, 
  • InMail messaging. 
  • Expensive for organizations with large and frequent hiring needs, 
  • It does not cover the entire recruitment process.

Pricing of LinkedIn Recruiter 

Prices vary per package. These are: 

  • Recruiter Lite: $170/ month
  • Recruiter Professional Services: Custom pricing
  • Recruiter Corporate: Custom Pricing
The examples of recruiting crm such as LinkedIn Recruiter

Are you interested in getting more information? Continue reading to know more. 

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Bonus: Infographic 

Here is a summary of our detailed guide. Here you will learn about how to choose the best recruitment CRM that will help your business and improve its workflows.

The bonus infographic of the article "How to Choose the Best Recruitment CRM in 2023"

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