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Сustomer Lifetime Value Calculator

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Ever wondered just how valuable your customers are over time? 

Dive into our simple yet powerful tool to discover the lifetime potential of each customer relationship. 

From personalized marketing strategies to savvy investment decisions, harness the insights you need to elevate your business game. 

How to Use the CLTV Calculator?

CLTV is a crucial metric that helps businesses understand the value each customer brings over their entire relationship with the company. 

Here are the steps to calculate it with our CLV formula calculator:

Begin by inputting the average expenditure per customer during each transaction with your business.

This could be the average order value for an e-commerce store or the average bill amount for a subscription service.

Next, input how often your customers make purchases from your business. 

Then, specify how long you expect a typical customer to stay with your business. 

This could be the average number of years a customer continues to buy from you before they stop.

Once you’ve entered these numbers, the customer LTV calculator will use them to estimate the Customer’s Lifetime Value (CLTV). 

It does this by multiplying the average purchase value by the purchase frequency and then by the customer lifespan.

The formula to calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is:

CLTV=Monthly Revenue per Customer×Customer Lifespan in Months


  • Monthly Revenue per Customer: The average monthly revenue generated from each customer.
  • Customer Lifespan in Months: The average duration for which a customer subscribes to the SaaS service, typically measured in months.

This formula assumes that the revenue from the customer remains constant over their subscription period.

Let’s say the average monthly revenue per customer for a SaaS service is $50, and the average customer lifespan in months is 24. Using the adapted formula:


So, the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) for this SaaS service is $1,200.

Note that this simplified formula assumes a constant monthly revenue per customer over the entire subscription period and doesn’t take into account factors such as customer churn or potential upselling, which would affect the actual CLTV calculation.

With the CLTV calculated, you can now understand how much revenue each customer is expected to generate over their lifetime. 

This information can help you make decisions about customer acquisition, retention strategies, and marketing efforts to maximize the value of your customer relationships.

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Customer lifetime value calculator


What is CLTV (Annual Recurring Revenue)?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a business way of saying how much money a company expects to earn from a customer during their entire relationship with that customer.

Let’s say you own a coffee shop. 

You have a regular customer named Sarah who comes in every day and spends $5 on coffee. 

She’s been doing this for a year now, so her total spending with your shop is $5 x 365 days = $1825.

Now, let’s imagine Sarah continues to be a loyal customer for the next few years. 

You might estimate that she’ll keep coming in for another 5 years. So, if she continues spending at the same rate, her lifetime value to your coffee shop would be:

$5 (daily spending) x 365 days x 5 years = $9125

This means that Sarah’s total spending over her lifetime as a customer could potentially be $9125.

Knowing the CLV helps businesses understand how much they should invest in acquiring new customers and how much they should spend to keep existing customers happy

Let’s explore the importance of this metric further.

Why is CLTV Important?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or CLTV) is an essential metric for businesses for several reasons:

CLV helps businesses make strategic decisions about how much to invest in acquiring new customers versus retaining existing ones. By knowing the potential value of a customer over their lifetime, businesses can allocate resources more effectively.

Understanding CLV allows businesses to optimize their marketing efforts. They can focus on acquiring customers with high CLV, ensuring that their marketing budget is spent on customers who are likely to generate significant revenue over time.

CLV also helps businesses understand how valuable each customer is over time. This helps them divide customers into groups based on their value. Then, they can create special marketing plans for each group to make them happy and spend more money.

CLV reminds businesses that it’s important to keep customers happy because it’s usually cheaper than finding new ones. So, they focus on keeping current customers satisfied and coming back.

When businesses know how much money they can make from a customer over time, they can find ways to make products better or offer new things that make high-value customers spend even more.

Additionally, CLV provides valuable insights for financial forecasting and long-term business planning. It helps businesses estimate future revenue streams, assess profitability, and make informed investment decisions.

In summary, CLV is important because it helps businesses optimize their resources, improve customer relationships, and drive long-term profitability and growth.

How to Improve CLTV?

Before we discuss ways to improve CLV, we want to highlight that CLTV varies significantly across industries. 

For instance:

  • B2C Apps (e.g., Spotify) tend to have lower CLTV because individual customer spending is minimal. However, they make up for it with a large user base.
  • B2B SaaS companies (like us) strive for higher CLTV because they have fewer customers and need to extract more value from each.
  • Longer buying cycles lead to higher customer acquisition costs, necessitating greater value from customers.
  • B2B relationships generally have longer lifespans, contributing to higher CLTV.

Improving Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is all about making your customers happy and keeping them coming back for more. 

Here are some simple ways to do that:

Make sure your customers have a positive experience every time they interact with your business. Respond promptly to inquiries, resolve issues efficiently, and strive to exceed their expectations. 

For example, if you run an online store and a customer has a problem with their order, offer them a discount on their next purchase as a gesture of goodwill.

Promote customer loyalty through incentive schemes like loyalty programs, rewarding patrons with points or perks for every purchase made.

Craft personalized marketing communications tailored to individual customers, considering their preferences, buying history, and behavior. 

Utilize data analytics to deliver targeted promotions and suggestions that resonate with each customer. For instance, a marketplace can offer personalized product recommendations based on past purchases.

Nurture a deeper connection with customers beyond mere transactions. Engage with them on social media platforms, address their feedback and inquiries, and express gratitude for their ongoing support.

Consistently offer products or services that meet or surpass customer expectations. Emphasize quality, dependability, and innovation to set yourself apart from competitors and foster trust among your customer base.

Provide additional services or features that enhance the overall customer experience. 

By focusing on these strategies, businesses can improve CLTV by increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat purchases, ultimately driving long-term profitability and growth.

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