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Car Insurance App Development: Processes, Costs, and Tips

Anna Korotkova

Anna Korotkova

Solution Architect, Front-end

13 min

In this article, we’ll walk through the entire process of developing a car insurance app – from initial concept to launch.

We’ll cover:

  • Why now is the ideal time to invest in a car insurance app and industry outlook
  • Cost breakdowns for building an auto insurance app
  • What makes these apps unique
  • Key considerations before starting development
  • Step-by-step overview of the dev process
  • Necessary team members and tech stacks
  • And more!

This comprehensive guide is perfect for product managers, founders, entrepreneurs, or anyone interested in creating their car insurance app.

For those who prefer visuals, check out the bonus infographic.

Let’s dive in!

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Why Develop a Car Insurance App?

The vehicle insurance market is estimated to be worth over $1 trillion by 2027.

Auto insurance is a huge market with a large solvent audience.

This opens up great prospects for your startup to search for and implement innovative and fast-growing business models.

In fact, this is the idea of investing in the development of your own auto insurance application.

And to prove that statement, let’s take a closer look at statistics.

Growth Statistics for the Car Insurance Market

Numerous statistics suggest that the car insurance market is growing. Here are some:

These growth statistics have impressed many venture capitalists, and they’re investing a lot of money into car insurance businesses, particularly those in the Insurtech niche.

Statistics on the development of the auto insurance market

Here’s a list of facts supporting that.

Overview of Venture Capital Investments in Car Insurance

Below are some statistics suggesting that VCs are interested in investing in startups in this sector:

The above statistics are verifiable proof that the car Insurtech market is growing, and VCs are ready to fund ideas and products in the niche.

Statistics on venture capital investment in auto insurance

Let’s take a look at the cost of developing an insurance app.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Car Insurance App?

The cost of creating an automobile insurance mobile app ranges from $55,000 to $65,000. However, the exact cost primarily depends on your app type, team type, and location.

Cost By Team Type

The spreadsheet below shows the cost of developing a car insurance application for each team type.

Type of Team Average Cost, $ 
In-house, the US150,000
Local agency, the US180,000
Outsource agency60,000
Freelance team35,000

To know which team type best suits your startup, it’s best to first understand what each entails, and their pros and cons.

1. In-house Development Team

The in-house development team is a workforce of developers employed directly by the startup and works within the confines of the organization.

They carry out day-to-day activities towards creating and maintaining your solution.

Here are the pros and cons of this model.

Pros Cons 
  • Information can easily be disseminated to and from the startup.
  • In-house teams have a much better understanding of corporate goals, and changes that occur through close interaction with management.
  • Startups have a good overview of developmental workflow and can make quick changes to aid technical and business operations.
  • The in-house team is the least cost-efficient, as employers have to pay for unproductive hours. E.g., sick leaves.
  • Labor laws lessen workforce flexibility.
  • It has multiple hidden costs. Examples are tool maintenance and office management. Use this outsourcing calculator to see some hidden costs with this model.

2. Local Agency

A local agency is a software development company that’s domiciled in your country of operation.

Like others, we’ll provide you with the pros and cons of this option.

Pros Cons
  • Disputes between both parties can easily be resolved through court.
  • Timezone and cultural similarities that exist between the startup and development team ease partnership.
  • Startups domiciled in the US or other high-income nations need an unlimited budget for this option.

The high cost of this option makes it unattainable for most startups. Thus, we’ll discuss cheaper alternatives.

3. Freelance Developers

They are independent professionals with experience in creating several web apps and mobile applications.

They’re not employees of any organization, but only handle projects on a per-contract basis.

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of this option.

Pros Cons
  • Freelancers have expertise in diverse fields and can offer insights that are helpful to your development workflow.
  • You can easily adjust the workforce per project requirement.
  • Freelancers can ditch your project for a more beneficial one.
  • There’s a possibility of data leaks due to unwholesome data management.

Since car insurance companies handle multiple consumer data, it’s not the most ideal for data privacy. Let’s discuss a well-balanced option.

4. Outsource Agency

An outsourcing agency is an offshore software development company with the infrastructure and expertise to create and maintain websites and mobile applications.

Like others, it also has some pros and cons to consider.

  • It offers startups a way to quickly scale their workforce without breaking labor laws.
  • They create high-quality car insurance apps at a cost-friendly price.
  • It has a vast pool of coders that can help it create complex apps at prompt.
  • They offer insight into creating a secure, and effective application.
  • Time zone and cultural differences cause hitches in the development workflow. This is particularly evident in cooperation between Western startups and Asia-based insurance app development agencies.
The cost of developing an application for auto insurance depending on the type of team

Now, let’s take a look at how geography affects the cost:

Cost By Team Location

Let’s consider a cost breakdown of car insurance app development defined by agency location:

Location Average Cost, $
The US180,000
The UK150,000
Western Europe120,000
Eastern Europe60,000
South Asia40,000

As seen in the spreadsheet above, the cost of car insurance development varies with the team’s location.

Startups developing their mobile apps in the US, UK, Australia, and Western Europe need an exorbitant amount due to labor costs in those nations.

South Asia offers the cheapest development cost on the list. However, they’re known for low-quality applications.

For cost-effectiveness, it’s best to outsource to an Eastern Europe country. Particularly Ukraine, as they have a vast pool of experienced coders.

The cost of developing a car insurance application depending on the location of the team

How is Developing a Car Insurance App Different?

Car insurance development differs from other InsurTech apps in both features and characteristics.

Although most insurance applications can thrive without some characteristics, car insurance apps must:

  • Automate business processes,
  • Use AI to evaluate and price premiums,
  • Offer add-on insurance.

Let’s shed more light on these points.

1. Automating Business Processes

Due to the sheer number of policyholders, it’s imperative to optimize claims processing within the car insurance app using business process automation.

In the UK for example, 2.1 million car insurance claims were filed in 2020. As such, automating customer support, transaction, and claim processing is the only guaranteed way to leave consumers with a great user experience.

Features needed for insurance process automation are:

  • In-app payment gateways for transaction processing,
  • Chatbots for customer support,
  • AI & ML for claim authentication.

2. Offering Add-On Insurance Services

There are lots of risks associated with automobile usage, some of which are not covered by traditional comprehensive automobile insurance.

For example, traveling possess some healthcare risks. Thus, as an encompassing service, you can provide policyholders with other types of insurance services in a single policy.

Examples of add-on services to include are:

  • Health insurance,
  • Life insurance,
  • Travel insurance.

3. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

It helps to automate data gathering, analysis, and usage. By using AI to track driving behavior, you can predict the probability of the occurrence of accidents.

Insights from data gathered via algorithms can be used to incentivize risk reduction. It also helps to accurately underwrite, and predict risk factors of different groups.

It helps auto coverage startups determine the most ideal premium and remain profitable.

You may consider buying data from a third-party AI system. Otherwise, develop AI to track the following within your app:

  • Driver’s drowsiness,
  • Driver distraction,
  • Speed.

Common third-party AI solutions that can help include Bosch, Nviso, MindtronicAI.

The main differences in the development of applications for auto insurance

Key Considerations Before Developing an Auto Insurance App

Two common mistakes that startup founders, serial entrepreneurs, and product managers make in auto-insurance app development are:

  • Not having a marketing budget;
  • Not considering relevant regulatory laws;

Let’s help you make sense of what they entail.

1. Relevant Compliance Laws

The laws guiding the operation of your startup depend on your country of operation.

Here’s a spreadsheet of regulatory laws and countries where they apply:

Regulatory Laws Startup Affected
Financial Services Regulatory AuthorityIt regulates the operations of Canadian-based insurance startups and ensures that insurance plan premiums are fair to all.
PCI-DSSAll car insurance providers accepting payment via credit cards must abide by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
GDPRThis organization regulates the use of data obtained by EU-based car insurance companies.
Prudential Regulatory AuthorityIt regulates car insurance companies operating in the UK and protects insurance policyholders from being exploited.
Consumer Protection ActIt regulates the business practices of businesses located in the United States.

The spreadsheet above details just a few regulations to comply with. Optimize your compliance with these types:

  • Have an in-house workforce of compliance enforcement team;
  • Only partner with an app development company with an in-depth knowledge of compliance laws;
  • Hire an in-house human resource team with knowledge of present labor laws.
The illustration shows factors to consider before proceeding with the development of an auto insurance application, namely the relevant compliance laws

Feel free to learn more about insurance app development in this article.

2. Marketing Budget

A March 2023 survey conducted in the United States shows that top auto insurance firms spent over $1.5 billion on digital marketing alone.

To compete effectively in this niche, it’s imperative to create an effective marketing strategy, and back it up with a robust budget. Your budget should be enough to generate the returns needed to achieve your corporate goal.

For the best outcome, your marketing budget should be 2X-3x your product design and development cost.

That is, if your design and development budget is $100,000, then your marketing budget should be about $200,000 – $300,000.

The illustration shows factors to consider before starting to develop an auto insurance app, namely the marketing budget

Car Insurance App Development Process

We’ll be breaking down the process of creating a car insurance app into 4 stages. The steps here include:

  • Product research and requirement gathering;
  • App design;
  • MVP development and quality assurance;
  • App launch, feedback gathering, and modifications.

Let’s help you understand the steps involved.

Step 1. Discovery Phase

The discovery phase of a project includes researching the most effective development workflow and gathering information on project requirements through regular meetings between the startup and the development team.

The development team outlines functionality to create, identify relevant compliance laws, and create milestones. The phases involved here are:

Phases Description
Target market analysisStatistics from Fortunly suggest that market research is a major factor for business failure.

This process entails researching to understand the potential market and accident risks of different groups.

Cost analysis.Here, the BA, and PM lead the development team in estimating the cost implication involved in creating and designing the app.

Lack of detailed cost analysis is responsible for 20% of business failures.

Outline your goalsNot setting goals is responsible for over 10% of business failures.

Identify realistic goals and align team members to abide by them.

Competitor analysisThis process entails evaluating and comparing features and designs with competitive apps.

Examples of car insurance apps from competitors to analyze here are: Allstate Mobile, Esurance Mobile, and Geico Mobile.

The founder benefits the following from this step:

  • App idea validation;
  • Cost reduction;
  • Knowledge of target market;
  • Proper adherence to app compliance laws;
  • Identification of the best product development team.
This picture describes discovery phase, which marks the first stage of development of the auto insurance application

Once this phase is complete, the design stage starts.

Step 2. Design Phase

The primary task here is designing an architecture that shows what the app will look like.

Requirements and information from the discovery phase serve as a guide for the UI/UX design phase.

We won’t discuss the steps involved in the actual design process, since there’s already an article on the insurance application design guide on our blog.

Rather, we’ll discuss the importance of app design in car insurance app development.

The car insurance app design helps everyone on the development team to understand the product’s value.

The deliverable here includes pages of design that help attain the goals of creating the app. It also helps the developers to know the features to build, and expected deliverables.

This stage often requires multiple modifications because it serves as a guide for coders. It provides the first tangible solution that helps to understand everyone understands the logic behind the solution.

In some instances, startups use deliverables here to pitch to investors and raise funds for projects.

Once this phase ends, you should have the following:

  • A user experience wireframe,
  • UI kit and a clickable prototype,
  • An original Figma design file.
The illustration shows design stage, which marks the second stage of development of the application for auto insurance

The next phase only begins when stakeholders have approved the design.

Step 3. Development and Testing

This is the most technical aspect of the car insurance app-building process. Here, programmers will write codes using several tech stacks to create the features in the mobile application.

The step here is split into the backend, mobile, and in some instances, frontend development. Here’s what each step entails.

Backend developmentIt involves the creation of server-side functionalities that forms the entire framework that’s needed for the insurance app to work.

Backend developers handle this stage, and they use tech stacks like Jave, Node.JS, etc.

Mobile developmentIt involves the creation of the app itself and ensuring that it works across all mobile devices.

They’ll also implement endpoint APIs from the backend so that insurance agents & users can interact with server-side features.

Mobile developers use Flutter or React Native for cross-platform apps. They also use Swift for iOS apps and Kotlin for Android applications.

Frontend developmentIt involves the creation of interfaces, but only web-based pages. Front-end developers often come in handy in mobile app development when creating admin panels.

Developers here use Angular, Vue.js, and React.js.

Development and testing phase, which marks the next stage of development of the auto insurance application

Let’s shed light on features to include in your car insurance mobile app.

Example of Features to Use in Car Insurance App MVP

An MVP app helps the startup to do a real-time analysis of the market reaction to the idea. Thus, they only need features needed to test the app’s logic. These features include:

  • User profile,
  • Claim management,
  • Geolocation tracker,
  • Emergency,
  • Pop-up and push notifications,
  • Gas station locator,

For a full-service app, you should add more features to improve user experience.

Example of Features to Use in Scaled Car Insurance Application

  • Roadside assistance,
  • Route planner,
  • Telematics,
  • Automated payment processing,
  • Chatbots.

What you need to remember, is there are no perfect apps exist.

Thus, once you develop an app, it’s time to launch it as quickly as possible.

The time-to-market is the universal advantage of startups in comparison to large players.

The faster you’ll launch an app, the faster you’ll be able to test your hypotheses, and the faster will collect feedback from the market on what you must adjust in your product.

Examples of applications that show functions to be used in an auto insurance application

Step 4. App Launch, Maintenance, and Improvements Phase

Launch your applications on requisite app stores. We’ve mentioned the marketing budget earlier – this is when you should begin spending.

Your marketing should be aimed at making your target audience to download and use your application. Collect user feedback, and brainstorm with other team members on making necessary modifications.

Ensure that future releases still align with the founder’s vision, user expectations, market demands, and car insurance compliance laws.

TypeScript Developers

Find the best TypeScript developers for your project.

Hire a fully dedicated app team for on-demand adjustments, app maintenance, and technical support.

Just like the other steps mentioned above, this one also requires an annual budget that shouldn’t be less than 25% of the total app development cost.

The bulk of app maintenance activity includes:

  • Bug fixing,
  • Real-time app support,
  • Traffic monitoring & analytics,
  • Feature extension.
The application launch stage, which marks the last stage of the auto insurance application development

Necessary Team Members for a Car Insurance App

The development team for creating a car insurance application should include:

  • Project manager,
  • CTO or Solution architect,
  • Business analyst,
  • UI/UX designer,
  • Mobile developer,
  • Backend developer,
  • Quality assurance tester.

Recommended Tech Stacks for a Car Insurance Platform

There are many options to explore in finding the right tech stack for automobile insurance solutions. However, here are some of the best:

TypeTech Stack
DatabaseRedis, MySql, and MongoDB
BackendLaravel, Express.JS, and Node.js
HostingVulty, and AWS
Mobile Development
  • Kotlin for Android,
  • Swift for iOS,
  • React Native and Flutter for cross-platform applications
ManagementConfluent, Jira, and Slack.
UI/UX designBalsamiq, Figma, and Principle
The technical stack needed to create an auto insurance platform

What else? Let’s help you with some helpful tips to create a motor insurance app.

Choosing a Car Insurance App Development Team

Let’s educate you on how to choose a reliable app development agency for partnership.

These tips can guide you to choose the right team:

Step 1. Review Their Project Portfolio

Go through their past products to vet their ability to deliver. However, if you want to create a distinct solution, then simply watch out for the quality of projects, and their team’s expertise.

Step 2. Check Reviews on Reputable Sites

Before you sign a contract, check out reviews on reputable sites like Clutch. Case studies, blog posts, websites, and social media profiles can also provide a hint on the team’s ability.

Step 3. Interview Developers One-on-One

After shortlisting prospects, interview prospective vendors to know if they have enough knowledge of the product you plan to build.

If you’re a non-technical founder, then involve the service of a CTO. Don’t forget to compare fees.

Tips to help you choose an auto insurance application development team

Next Steps

Car insurance mobile apps can provide a significant opportunity to improve customer experience and unlock usage-based coverage.

Creating a seamless and dependable mobile experience demands relevant expertise.

At SpdLoad, our software developers offer custom design and development services that deliver a next-gen experience for your customers.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Let’s transform your vision into reality!

Bonus: Infographic

Here is a summary of our detailed guide. Learn the highlights of developing an auto insurance app, as well as the costs and tips to help you create the best app.

The basic steps to help develop an auto insurance app, and describes the cost required to develop

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