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Hire Cloud Developers & Engineers

Scale up quickly with our dedicated cloud engineers with years of expertise in cloud architecture, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, scalable application deployment, and more.

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Solutions to Your Hiring Challenges


Securing Skilled Talents

Cloud architects and infrastructure coders are rare as demand exceeds supply due to the explosive growth of cloud adoption. We can help you secure certified AWS, Azure, and GCP experts who can develop your ideal cloud environment.


Balancing Cost and Experience

SpdLoad balances skills and budget for the best fit. Junior cloud devs may have longer project timelines, while seasoned engineers increase costs. We strategically hire based on your unique needs to maximize value.


Assessing Practical Skills

Our thorough process evaluates cloud developers' abilities in architectural patterns, infrastructure coding, container orchestration, deployment strategies, and more to deliver success in your unique environment.

Our Database Developer Hiring Process

Requirements Analysis
CV Screening
Code Screening
Paid Test Task (Optional)
Client Interviews
Requirements Analysis
1 / 6

We thoroughly analyze the client's technical specifications, data needs, and project goals to define the required developer skills, experience levels, and capabilities.

CV Screening
2 / 6

We share resumes of pre-screened candidates with clients to jointly shortlist experts that align with priorities based on backgrounds.

Code Screening
3 / 6

Shortlisted talents complete cloud architecture assessments and infrastructure coding tasks to demonstrate expertise in solving real-world challenges typical of the role.

Paid Test Task (Optional)
4 / 6

For advanced roles, candidates architect and build pilot cloud components in your environment to confirm fit with standards and delivery expectations.

Client Interviews
5 / 6

Clients interview screened candidates to evaluate communication abilities, comprehension of business objectives, cultural fit, and vision for cloud solutions.

6 / 6

Once selected, cloud engineers undergo joint onboarding covering accounts, tools, role clarity, team integration, frameworks, and project alignment.

What do our customers say about us?

Colin Millward
2 devs 8 months
Colin Millward
Colin Millward
COO of ResoX, Singapor

“We engaged SpdLoad to develop and deploy a central business solution. It was the right decision. It was a pleasure to work with the team on all levels!”

Anas Nakawa
3 devs 2 years
Anas Nakawa
Anas Nakawa
Co-founder, CTO of ShortPoint, UAE

“SpdLoad has provided us with an excellent set of engineers who could work on complex problems and provide scalable solutions that will last us for years.”

Gabriel Senftle
from 2 up 6 devs 3 years
Gabriel Senftle
Gabriel Senftle
Founder of Studicon, Germany

“Firstly, they’re very proactive in working on custom software development. Secondly, they are transparent about the processes and costs. Thirdly, their designers are amazing.”

Omar Agely
6 devs 6 months
Omar Agely
Omar Agely
Product owner of Rearden House, UAE

“From the first meeting, we realized that we would cooperate. I’ve worked with a custom software development agency for ten years, and the SpdLoad team is one of the greatest.”

Len Marchese
5 devs 1 year
Len Marchese
Len Marchese
Founder of PCS, USA

“We brought them on to implement two startups. Their skills and professionalism are outstanding. I appreciate that they are engaged and communicative, but most of all, there is no distance between us, even though I am in Chicago and the team is in Ukraine.”

Johannes Ehrhardt
3 devs 2 years
Johannes Ehrhardt
Johannes Ehrhardt
Co-founder of Blue Academy, Germany

“The people at SpdLoad are highly effective and easy to collaborate with. I am satisfied with their work. They helped us to develop our MVP in six months in a complex and stressful situation.”

Danny Djanogly
2 devs 1 year
Danny Djanogly
Danny Djanogly
CMO of Dogiz , Israel

“SpdLoad developed the CRM dashboard of the B2B2C marketplace using ReactJS. The team has significantly expanded its functionality, so we also decided to collaborate on other projects.”

Edward Sapp
3 devs 4 months
Edward Sapp
Edward Sapp
CEO of DemographIQ, USA

“After having a great experience, I plan to use SpdLoad for all future projects, subject to their availability.”

Sanoma Jean
4 devs 4 months
Sanoma Jean
Sanoma Jean
Co-Founder of Ayatherapy, USA

“Throughout the entire process, they were great partners. Working with them was enjoyable, and we were impressed by their professionalism and output during a time of great uncertainty in their home country.”

33 Reviews
Our average customer cooperation
exceeds two years, as verified by
independent review platforms.
100% job success
Impressive customer satisfaction rates,
ranging from 90% to 100% according to the
rigorous algorithms of Upwork.

Our featured projects

Cloud Developers For Hire


Our Kubernetes engineers have deep hands-on expertise to plan, deploy, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters across public and private clouds to run high-availability containers.


Our CI/CD specialists create and automate robust pipelines for continuous cloud integration/delivery, leveraging leading tools and techniques for efficient releases with infrastructure-as-code capabilities.


Our accomplished DevOps engineers bridge development, operations, and business teams to cultivate high-performance agility, reliability, and collaboration when building/operating cloud systems.

Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

Drop us a line and we'll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.

    Let’s get in touch:

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    Meet the educational hub for the startup founder


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What experience level are your cloud developers?

    We staff cloud experts from mid-level engineers to senior enterprise architects with skills in AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, CI/CD, and more.

    How quickly can you ramp up developers on my project?

    With defined requirements and documentation, we onboard in 1-4 weeks through design reviews, shadowing, and staged cloud infrastructure/application responsibilities.

    What databases and tools do your developers have experience with?

    Our cloud talent possesses proven hands-on abilities with leading platforms like AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Ansible, CI/CD pipelines, and more.

    Do you sign NDAs before sharing project details with database programmers?

    Yes, all our cloud architects, developers, and staff sign comprehensive NDAs as a standard process before gaining access to any client cloud initiatives or proprietary information.